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Payment Options

Toner999Customer Service

Cheque Payment

For the cheque payment, see the information below:


* Please remark our invoice number on the back of the cheque

Bank Transfer

We accept HSBC, Hang Seng Bank and JETCO ATM transfers.

You can make your bank transfer at any HSBC or Hang Seng Bank ATMs with 「EPS」 logo, or JETCO ATMs with 「Jet Payment」logo.

Bank in for payment. Please bank in to:

  • Bank name
  • HSBC
  • Bank of China
  • Account Number
  • 004-116-747403-838
  • 012-601-1-018616-9
  • Account Name
  • TONER999 Limited

Please send the pay-in slip with your order number, contact number & name to Toner999 Fax No.: 3427-9551; or email to our address

Payment on Delivery

We provide the door to door delivery serivce and you can pay cash or company crossed cheque after you check the goods.

FPS (TEL. No.)

FPS (TEL. No.):(5388 1985)

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